1900-1920 Turn of the Century


First winter to harvest the lake’s ice for summer use.


Lake reached highest level in twenty five years.

Whitaker’s Covered Dock, 112 feet wide by 132 feet long, added to the Lake Shore Hotel.


Bayside Amusement Park opens.

Expansion of the winter’s ice caused the track used by the interurban to heave.


2nd Peterson Bathhouse opened. 


The Electric Theater is now comfortably located at the White Pier where it will continue to do business for the summer.

First year to dredge the bottom of the lake between the Island and Bayside.

White Pier Dance Hall was built in view of City Park. On Fourth of July, in order to accommodate a large number of dancers, the proprietor held dime dances. The floor was cleared after each dance and dancers were held back of the railing and admitted to the floor couple by couple by the presentation of a ten-cent dance ticket for each person.

In the winter the dance pavilion was winterized and a stove set up for rollerskating. It was popular for young people in the area. A steam calliope or records provided the music.


Central School built.


Chautauqua holds last meeting.


Girl Scouting was first organized in Clear Lake.


The large wooden rollercoster at Bayside Amusement Park opens.

Iowa’s first interurban highway is paved between Mason City and Clear Lake.

1920 State fish hatchery opens